There are three stages of book launch.

1) Pre-stage Book Launch

2) D-Day Book Launch

3) Post Book Launch


1) In the Pre-Stage Book Launch, your fans, friends and family are all involve in the purchasing of your book and it is done through pre-order.

This Pre-stage Book Launch is one of my favourite.

It is very tasking and you must put alot of things in place to make it a successful event.

You will surely see success in your book launch if you do this method.

It is an interesting event and you can predict if the launching of your book sales will be a success or not.


2) The D-Book launch Stage is the normal book launch that most authors do.

Get a venue, give out cards for invitation and people come.

You are hoping they will come with their fat pocket to donate.

The truth is most of the D-Book launch end in disappointments.

Summary: failed promises, leaving you in debts and sorry mood.


3) Post Book Launch

This is what I call “there is hope” book launch.

You will have to forget the painful loss aside and face the future with hope.

Those progressive steps that you ignored or refuse to take to prepare for a successful book launch will now be taken by you and the book launch organiser/marketer.

The difference between a successful book launch and a failed book launch is in the planning processes.


If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail.

Now my dear fellow author, no matter the stage you find yourself, there is hope.


I wish you Success.

Excerpt from my book: Launch Money

By Awele ilusanmi

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